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OMEGA Certificate award ceremony and seminar-2014

Author : admin Date : Mar 30, 2016 Category : Events Comment : 0

Ceremony of certificates distribution for the students who took part on industrial visits to A.P.S.D.R and Fire services Department, Govt. of A.P., Hindustan Fluoro-Carbons Ltd., and Indian Oil Corporation, inclusive of seminar was held on 1st March of 2014 at K.L.N. Prasad Auditorium, FAPCCI, Hyderabad.

Chief guest, Mr. Iftequar Shareef, the First Dual Citizen of India, delivered an impressive and inspiring speech with regard to the subject of fire and safety.

Mr. Awedesh-Shah, Deputy Manager, HCF Ltd, has a tremendous experience and enormous knowledge in safety culture. His heart kindling speech made students realize the importance of fire and safety, who also desired the entire universe to be free from hazards.

Another guest, Mr. Abid Ali, Additional General Manager of A.P.S.M.F.C, Govt. of A.P., spoke candidly about the safety subject.

Mr. D. Niranjan Reddy, DFO (Direct recruit from APPSC) expressed in detail about Fire and Safety, its operations, risk management, how to overcome and meet any kind of unforeseen eventuality. He stressed more about the importance of the subject and said in no way the safety profession is less than other ones.

A dynamic, dashing and daring Director of OIIFS, Mr. Syed Irshad Ahmed, an authorized trainer of OSHA, IASP, NASP who was given a tumultuous welcome with roaring applause gave his outstanding speech. His talk about the career progression and development of interview skills pleased everyone.

Author by admin

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